Redfora Guides is a free collection of expert-level information distilled and easy to follow for anyone looking to take the first steps in getting prepared. From how to build your own emergency kit to a wildfire preparedness checklist, we're proud to release the latest addition — a 5 chapter ultimate guide to hurricane preparedness

Redfora Guides are developed to help individuals and families take the first steps in getting prepared, which makes them perfect for sharing with any workforce. With hybrid work models on the rise, home offices and home preparedness should be top of mind for emergency and resilience managers looking to assist in overall business continuity.

We encourage anyone anyone with even a mild hurricane risk to download the guide which includes multiple chapters like must-download apps and pro tips from a local who has weathered dozens of hurricanes over the years. 

What kind of special steps do you take to keep your business prepared for a hurricane? Let us know on LinkedIn!


Click to download.